Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to my Mail blog!!
She turns 1 years old today! I'm glad I've created her and have
stayed dedicated to posting. Even though I'm super behind.
I've seen so many awesome mail blogs and continue to be
inspired by you all. We are have a great passion for paper
and friends that will NEVER fade. I will continue to blog
my happy snail mail loving heart out. I appreciate you
all!! Your letters, your comments, your page views
and your friendships!  It makes me want to keep
blogging. Please continue to stop by and check
out my latest mail activity. Hugs to you all!
Now lets have some cake! :)

Happy Birthday


  1. Congratulations on your first year:)

  2. Happy blogiversary Tanya! Your blog is on my faves list and I check in couple times a week :)
